Why I Post My Videos on YouTube - Ruth Kadiri, Actress

Why I Post My Videos on YouTube - Ruth Kadiri, Actress

Ruth Kadiri, a Nollywood actress, said she began uploading her movies to YouTube in order to have a platform where she could share her stories without restrictions.

 Despite her first discouragement, she decided to go for it. Now, Kadiri has two million YouTube subscribers. "I have been a producer for a long time but there are too many rules and regulations during

 production," she stated. "So I called my colleagues and asked for an opportunity to express myself. For example, if I see anything online, I want to study it and then upload it somewhere.

When I was travelling to give birth, I became bored and began watching a lot of musical videos, and I realised that some individuals uploaded their films on YouTube. "I

 promised myself that I'd come back and attempt it. Some people discouraged me, claiming that there is no money in it. But

 because I wanted a forum to express myself and communicate my stories, I decided to give it a shot. "I told my team that we should shoot, and if the film isn't good enough, we'll learn from it.

Kadiri stated that she is unfazed about competition on YouTube, citing the myriad opportunities available on the platform. "I personally don't worry about competition, and I believe that as filmmakers, we are in the forefront and hustle. "If YouTube is removed from the industry, people would go hungry, aside from filmmakers and content creators. "YouTube provides a possibility for many filmmakers to generate money, which is what is occurring right now. Because YouTube is currently feeding people."